quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

1 SAMUEL 1:27

For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him.




quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2009

Christmas flavors and aromas

We made the presepios, we decorate the pines trees, we decorate the houses.

Kids write the desired letters to white beards sweet old man (Santa Claus) and adults hurry to make the last Christmas's purchases. The air is fulls of magic and fraternity.

It's the party of the family and the great Portuguese traditions on the table! In each home the kitchens are invaded by pleasant aromas, fireplaces are lit and the tables are prepared with the best hemp towels and finest dishes.

Litlle by litlle, the tables are gaining life with all those things typical of the party!


segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

This is my Chrtismas Tree!

Hope you all have a great Christmas with ones you must love!

Merry Christmas everyone!

terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009

I'm recovering

from my babies lost. I can't believe that a month ago they were here in my belly.

It deeplly hurts, but life must gon on .....

In my mind I have a hope becouse on this treatment they frozen 6 embryos ....  I just need to recover myself, to perform a laparoscopy in order to check my womb.

If things are ok, maybe in Feb/2010 we'll try again.

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

13 weeks pregnancy

This was the last time I saw my babies aliving! I've beem interned for 3 weeks with a placent problem, I was loosing blood, and once more my pregnancy ended with un miscarriage.

I wanna die!

quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2009

10 weeks pregnancy

For the first time my babies looks like humans! I'm doing well, resting all the time!

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

9th week pregnancy

Fetal Development: Cartilage and bones begin to form. The basic structure of the eye is well underway and the tongue begins to develop. The intestines start to move out of the umbilical cord and into the abdomen as the body grows and makes room. The fingers and thumb have appeared but are short and webbed.

Multiples: The babies are developing just like singleton babies. Each baby is about one gram in weight and about the same size as singleton babies.

Maternal Changes:

You're missing your second period this week. Your breasts may be fuller now than ever before and may feel very sensitive. Wearing a supportive bra can ease some of the tenderness. Your waistline may be growing and you may experience some heartburn and indigestion as your body adjusts to pregnancy hormones. Visit StorkNet's Pregnancy Discomforts page for remedies that helped other parents.

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

7th week pregnancy

Here you can see my babies!

They aren't identical twins. I couldn'd be more happy!

Fetal Development: I'm Tiny But Gaining Fast!

The baby is about 1/3 of an inch, the size of a grain of rice. Development of the arms and legs continue although the fingers and toes haven't yet formed. The brain is growing as well as the lenses of the eyes, nostrils, intestines, pancreas and bronchi.

Morning Sickness Tips:

Having your head in a toilet bowl or bucket most of the day is NO FUN, and you may have discovered that "morning" may mean all day and not just the morning. One important thing to remember is to never let your stomach get completely empty or overly full. Ginger (the real thing, not artificial) helps. Drink ginger ale or ginger tea, try ginger snaps or ginger root capsules. Lemons also help - lemonade or sucking on raw lemons.

sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

Twins development

Fetal Development: My Heart Belongs to You!

The first heartbeats have begun! The baby is now an embryo and is about 1/17 of an inch long. Growth is very rapid this week. The umbilical cord develops. The eyes and ears begin to form as well as an opening for the mouth. The heart has begun to pump blood and most of the other organs are well under construction. Buds form on the body that will become the arms and legs.

Exciting week!

Maternal Changes: Multiples:

Morning sickness can be very severe with multiples' pregnancies. Since your fluid requirements have increased, be sure to drink lots of water to keep hydrated when the vomiting is severe. Contact your care provider if you have any concerns at all.

quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2009

I'm 6 weeks pregnancy.


I'm pregnant and there are twins!

Only made Beta HCG on Sept, 29th, but it's truth!

I'm 6 weeks and 2 days pregnancy, and I'm so happy. We heard the babies's heartbit. They are so strong. Hope God protect us!

sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009

Algarve - Here we are!

This is where we'll be on vacancys for next 2 weeks!

This time I'll make the long protocol, which means almost 1,5 months injecting myself, ultrasounds, blood samples etc.

But, I'll be well installed .... lolololol

We are near the beach also.

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009

The veredict

As I'm 42 years old and already had 5 miscarriages, the doctor found that  this time we must make the embryonic study to have 100% certainly of the embryos to transfer.

The exams and analyses had concluded that my husband has a deficiency on 13th snd 14th cromossoma level, therefore we'll going to procced with embryo study.

I'm going to start the treatment on the vacations.

Please, pray for us!

sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

New doctor's appointment

Since my last miscarriage, last year, I decided to give a break, to loose some weight and to enjoy living the life.

However, next 29th July we have a doctor's appointment to decide what we're going to do. I am anxious again!

quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2009


I came already back from Italy.

Milan and Turin are very wonderfull cities!

Venice is pretty, pretty ..... It was ashame that the canals smell badly, but riding a  gondola with the husbabd was a unforgetable experience to repeat!!!

No doubt!

Streets of Milan

Milan train station

Milan "Duomo"

Vittorio Emanuel Galleries

The cinema Museum

The hotel view (from our apartment)

quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2009

Italy, here I go!

We are going to Italy for one week holliday.

We planned to visit Milan, Turin, and Venice. I'm so excited!!!!

domingo, 22 de fevereiro de 2009

Rest in peace my dear friend

I'm very very said!!!!

My dear friend Sofia has died. We lost her yesterday for a breast cancer.

sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2008


I'm on hollidays!

We are planning to go to Algarve for a week

See you, than!

terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2008

Many things hapenned .....

Well, i've got pregnant and interned at hospital for 19 weeks.

I've lost my baby boy again ..... not much to tell about it......

I need some rest and a break to infertility!

domingo, 30 de março de 2008

Here I am....withou news!


I haven't come often net becouse I am discouraging again ......

Still here with the period (almost one week). This was my last dufine cycle of dufine, now it goes to be " au naturel" until obtaining €€€ for the FIV and until losing weight, as doctor recommended to me!

In fact,  knowing that I am not making nothing to reach my dream let me down!

domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2008

Our 2nd meeting - APF GIRLS

Once again!!!

It's so good to be with you girls, becouse I feel that I'm between my pairs!!!!

Only who passes through the infertility can understand what I mean!

See you

segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2007

sábado, 17 de novembro de 2007

We're going to London for a week!

London was very funny….I enjoyed so much!

Is a big city, very pretty city in the center (where it has the Big Ben, the Queen Palace, the parliament etc), but on the suburbs where people living is a little shady beyond the clouds that are characteristic of the city, those red bricks that they use for the construction don't help much!

But no doubts that it was good to see and to be able to still give to more value to our country near the sea!

If we were different politicians, we're in the paradise! lolololol

We walked a lot, we dated a lot and we din't shopping becouse thins were very expensive comparing wiht Lisbon!!!!

Here some photos to remember!

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007

Finally the APF girls had a lunch together!!!!

It's was nice.

Thank you girls!

quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2007

Gabriel was born

Isn't he so cute?

Gabriel is my husband's nice son!!!

segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2007

One break....

I need to stop a litlle and find myself!

I missing myself and need to find me and stay alone with myself.

Just for a while......

quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2007

Mr Red, again.....bah

It didn't happen on this cycle, once more!!!

I'm tired, and doctor send me home for 15 days.

I have to start analisis or see a psychologist.

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2007

husband quarrel

Today I am not in a bettermood! Nor I would have writting here  ......

I had a big quarrel with my husband, and guess the reason?

Money for the treatments!!!!!

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2007

Happy birthday to me!

Today it is my bithday!

One mor year and nothing of stork!

I don't know if I must be sad, or if I must commemorate one more year!

Becouse it was one more year and I didn't reach my baby, and otherway the age are my worse enimy!!!

For now decided that I'm going to celebrate ......
I go to take a bubblebath, go to produce myself I go to take a walk!
Later, dinner out with hubby!

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2007

Hard home work weekend

This must have been a weekend of " hard home work" but the things had not run very well .....

Some cousins come from Greece suddenly and " they had to stay" here in house! They go here to be 15 days and my husband did not have courage of denying stay to them…. all the people of the family pushed them for here with the excuse of that we are whom have a big house and as we do not have children .....

I was sad becouse we felt conditioned on our "hard wome work"
I started today with utrogestan, but sincerely I am not nothing hopeful on this cycle (first the cold, now this).

I'm felling that we wasted money, time, money and more hormones that drives me crazy, more than I am!!!!

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2007

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2007

Back to work

Here I'am back the work, after 2 months out….

It's so hard, but I have to make an effort…. being home was not resulting .....

However I started a new Dufine's cicle and I have ultrasound  next monday.

Let see.

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2007

youth's prescription

"Get ride of all not essential numbers to your survival. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor leaves to be worried about them.

He is paid for that!

have high astral, friends. The " low one"  put you in low.

Keep learning… learns more about computer, gardening, paiting, anything. Do not leave your brain free. A mind without use is the devil's workshop. And the name of this devil is Alzheimer.

Enjoy simple things. Always laughs, much and high, and laughs til losing the breath.

Tears sometime happen. Handle with it, suffers and go toward. The only person who follow you is yourself. It keeps you alive, while you live!

Encircles yourself with things you really love: family, animals, souvenirs, music, plants, one hobby, whatever.

Your home is your shelter. Uses the advantage of your health: If it will be good, preserves it. If it is unstable, improves it. If it is below of this level, asks for aid.

Don't make remorse trips. Travels for the Shopping, for the neighborwood city, a foreign country, but you do not make trips into the past.

And says to yours, that you really love them, in all chances.

Always remembers to you of that: The life is not measured by the number of times that you breathed, but by the moments where you lost the breath: of in such a way laughing… of surprise… of ecstasy… of happiness… "

" There are people who transform the Sun into a simple yellow spot, but also has the ones that make of a simple yellow spot the proper Son"

Pablo Picasso

terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2007

In memory ......

In our last visit, my father-in-law asked for being alone with my husband. After my husband shaved him and  cuted his hair, he gave express indications of what he wanted we doafter his death.

And, in contrast of what all we waited (he wanted to be in the same hole that my mother-in-law) he asked for to be burned and the ashes were lying to the sea.

Yesterday at 19:00 we accomplished hie last wish!

In all their family, he was who always treated me with much affection and love, and always made everything so the family was joined and happy.

No doubt, he was a GREAT MAN!

By the way his first name was Christo!

Rest in peace ........ and please tell God we don't need to deal with another death so soon!!!!!

sábado, 10 de fevereiro de 2007

More bad news...

05:00 in the morning, the phone ringing.....

My father-in-low passed away!

I'm like a zombie!!!!!!

segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2007


I've lost my baby, at nine weeks and 2 days.

I don't have much to say, I am exahust, tired and crying. It still hard to believe ....... They had given me some relaxing pills, I'm trying to get some sleep.

 I don't know how many time it will takes, but in the next times I will be a little absent.


sábado, 3 de fevereiro de 2007


Girls, I'm very scared!

After making pee, I looked at and blood. I cleaned myself and really I have blood on the paper.

Colored pink blood.

I've Already called to my husband and the doctor, I'm going now to the hospital, but I am panic and crying.

I'm  9 weeks pregnancy!

sexta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2007

9th week pregnancy

"Fetal Development: Cartilage and bones begin to form. The basic structure of the eye is well underway and the tongue begins to develop. The intestines start to move out of the umbilical cord and into the abdomen as the body grows and makes room. The fingers and thumb have appeared but are short and webbed.

Maternal Changes:

You're missing your second period this week. Your breasts may be fuller now than ever before and may feel very sensitive. Wearing a supportive bra can ease some of the tenderness. Your waistline may be growing and you may experience some heartburn and indigestion as your body adjusts to pregnancy hormones. Visit StorkNet's Pregnancy Discomforts page for remedies that helped other parents."

I'm still vomitting, and experimented azia after lunch!

segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2007

It's snowing here in Lisbon!!!

Here,  it's the 2nd consecutive year that snowed in Lisbon! of the 2 times, it happened in the last weekend of January! In the last year, in the sunday, January 29th, we woke up and it was really very cold!

I was to light the burning, I dealt with the lunch and soon to follow, for the 14:00, the light lacked! Bad! We are watching a movie! My husband, hearing some " noise" on the street, he went to see though the window, if it was something with his car!

Suddenly he started to say: "  look at, look at, look at"! I was soon to observe and I came across myself with that pretty espectáculo!

Clearly that we were the street, to make snow balls (since did not have light to continue to see the film).

This year, the January 28th, were one eleven hours there, we still were lying, but with the open curtains of room and realized that rain was different! I raised and I came across with another beauty espectaculo! Here they are the photos, later to remember! lolololol

sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2007

8th week pregnancy

I'm so excited!

I arrived now from first ultrasound! Ours baby is so pretty! It is very well and measures already 22 mm. The doctor says that it is very good for the 8 weeks and 2 days.

If I'd already felt pregnant woman … yes…becouse  the nauseas isn't deceptive,now… I feels SUPER-PREGNANT!

His litlle heart beats so such and which to a player of high competition, as my husband says! Now I keep taking the Folicil, Utrogestan and keep on absolute rest!

Ahhh….I've already bought 2 woman pregnant woman pants… lololol… becouse the others the latch is half-open…. lololol

quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2007

Definelly, I'm sic

I am sic!

Beyond the vomits that almost kill me, I started with diarreia, pains in the body and fever! Yesterday I saw the doctor who said it seems to be a virose and only prescribed me ben-ur-on!

Now eat soup and stay in bed! I wait that pass fast.

sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2007

7th week pregnancy

"Fetal Development: I'm Tiny But Gaining Fast!

The baby is about 1/3 of an inch, the size of a grain of rice. Development of the arms and legs continue although the fingers and toes haven't yet formed. The brain is growing as well as the lenses of the eyes, nostrils, intestines, pancreas and bronchi.

Maternal Changes:

This week tends to be like last week with the usual symptoms of early pregnancy continuing. You're not showing yet and may have lost a few pounds or gained a few pounds. Both are normal at this stage."

I've lost a few pounds and I'm still vomitting!!!!!

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2007

Which is the difference between a dissolution and a solution?

A dissolution would be to put one politician in a tank of acid so that he dissolves himself. A solution would be to put them all!

terça-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2007

Which was the biggest event of the year?

I translate:

"For me it's the repetition of the miracle that Portuguese women keep making. They are in the transports  lines at six of the morning to go to work and later the night in house, they go keeping everything as if thery had been there all day. In face what they make every day, everything more in the Country is really nonsense!"

I would say more….it was the last century event! Since women had started to work outside of house!

segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2007

Today on Portuguese SIC TV

reproduction medically attended.

"In last twenty years the infertility tax duplicated in the occidental word. One in each five people, 20 percent of the population, is collated in this beginning of century with the imperfection of the formula that keeps the species since the beginning of the times: the fruitful meeting between one óvulo and a spermatozoon. They estimated that in Portugal - country aged in an aged continent, where the fall of the natality tax already does not allow at least the renewal of generations - ten a thousand new cases appear every year of infertile couples. The techniques of Procreation Medically Attended developed to an alucinante speed, for much disturbing, and names as of Mário de Sousa and Alberto Barros takes Portugal for the vanguard of the inquiry and application of new techniques. But the country does not have reply for the increase of the number of couples that they need medical aid to have children and that they thicken you celebrate them every year lists of wait of the public centers, in a despairing race against the time. It has studies that they compare the depression level during a treatment against the infertility with the one of sick people with BEEN and cancer. The physical and emotional investment is great e the prices of the private clinics is incomportáveis for the majority of the Portuguese. The insuring ones do not cover treatments against the infertility (But they cover for the change of sex and ttt dexitoxic treatments of alcohol and drugs). Beyond the pollution that attack in them, beyond if postponing each time more the age to have children, who other factors contribute for this reduction of the capacity of the species human being of if reproducing? Doctors and investigators believe that he is possible to prevent great part of the infertility cases, being modified social and sexual habits and behaviors.  as if explains " unexplained infertility " , diagnosised the 10 percent of the infertile couples? News article SIC also approaches the ethical and legal questions excited by the answers of science to this problem of public health. "

It only remains me to be thankful the Elisabeth for having calm obtained transmit what goes in our hearts! After all, you are our INSPIRED MUSE!

To the Dr Mário Sousa that is a great man, who had the courage to put the finger in the wound, and to who I also rised myself to applaud him!


domingo, 14 de janeiro de 2007

My husband recognition.....

I'd only had nauseas during the day ...... Today it was the first day where I woke up nauseated! This promises!

They were almost six of the morning and I was already there with the head inside throught the "tron" vomitting!

It's incredible what the pregnancy makes with us ..... we can vomit things that we didn't eat!


yes pq I not eat that much that I vomited! I have eaten a little!

How it is possible spending almost 00:15 vomitting?

My beloved husband, started to be concerned,  and wake up and came to see if I need some help, with a glass of water.

In a bit  moments looking at for me, in this figure, he left himself with: - Ó woman ..... you are very pregnant!

And came back to lie down itself ........


sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2007

Infertility friends

Today I met two more girls from API forum: Barbara and the Sandra Jorge!

Nice to meet you, prettys!

I've had Already known and talked on-line with the Margarida Frederico (Daisy) - witch cousin is my co-orker and we didn't know,  Norita, Sandra P., and Lurdes Martins!

At last, great women!

quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2007

Is a boy?....or a girl????

Ok, I'm only 6 weeks pregnant but I wondered if he is boy or girl…. lolololol

My husband liked a boy more than a girl, to continue to family's name  ..... you knows as it is ..... he felt himself pressured years and years by the family, therefore he's the only son, the sisters, as it is logical, had putted the names of their husbands as nicknames of the children!

I liked a girl ..... The clothes are more beautifull and they are much more funny .....

Today I  went out a little this afternoon with my mother in order to buy some underware for me… My soutians didn't fit me anymore ..... I lost my ming with baby's clothes  ..... how cute!
But my mother did not allow me to buy. She says that only after the 12 weeks…. and mother is mother!

quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2007

Good morning everyone!

Good morning princess!  How are you today??
I woke up very well, and in a better mood ..... it doesn't seems that I took part of the night to vomitting ........

Although not to be a sunny day, I wait that it is a good day and that all you has an excellent work day ..... while I'm still her lieng down...


terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2007

Blood tests

My blood tests are good. The new Beta HCG, gave 408. I have a little bit of anemia (normal on me), but go to have to strengthen the rich diet in and take some special pills, and I'm not only toxoplasmose immune.

I have to have care with the raw fruit and vegetables, (nothing that I already did not yet). In relation to the animals, here in house, beyond us, (ahahahahah) we only have 2 fishes: or they are the 2 of the same sex nor are infertile, becouse since they are here has as much time and nothing of creation!

My left side neighbor, she had cats and dogs but my husband already had gone up the wall of the terrace and moreover it now keeps the animals outside of house!

It's that I love to lie down on chaiselong that I have in the terrace, to read and to get a ten.......

sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2007

Different pregnancies!

Is full of reason who says that a pregnancy is not equal to another one!

This is not my first pregmancy.

On the first pregnancy, I did not have any symptoms… I lost with 6 weeks. The others two times I already had matinal nauseas but they were different!

Now, I awake in better mood, but I go being nauseated throughout the day! Normally before the lunch start to be zombie. Today I have been veru  nauseated becouse a neighbor started the day to cooking fry fish ..... I had already tooked nausef, but I still feel sic and with a migraine…. it is not strong, but it's bother me!

And staing without making nothing is good for ours minds starting to imagine things ....... and the television is the same sheet ....... Well, I go to sleep, becouse I really have had much sleep! Do you believe that I slept the entire afternoon until  20:00 and I'm already full of sleep again?

quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2007

I'm Prengnant - a miracle in process

I answered the phone.

Voice of the other side: - Miss J ......?
I: - Yes I am!
Voice of the other side: - Congratulations, you are pregnant! Your Beta HCG  gave 102.
I: I don't believe!
Voice of the other side: - You can believe, miss! You can pick up the result here.

Fear and joy are two of the very contradictory emotions but they had reached that me at the same time! With the eyes full of tears, I only had time to close my computer, saying that it had to go even so and left to run of the work!

As an insane person, I went to Lisbon, I had to pick  the result up and give personally this news to my husband: - takes… see ..... we are pregnant! My husband nor wanted to still believe ..... he's in clouds too, but  both of us have fear to be to dream ......

Pregnant woman and in clouds ..... is how I feel! I have the result with me here…. I take a look some times to be able to believe! We phoned to my doc. that explained me what is happening in my womb … the fertilized egg already completed its seven day the ten days until the womb. Already divided itself in two: a part formed the placenta and another one, the embryo. In the doc's perspective, I'm exactly being pregnant of two weeks and some days, technical, I am pregnant of almost five weeks. They counting is from the start of my last menstrual period, that was the 3 of December.

Inside of me is hapenning a storm. With five weeks, my embryo measures only two millimeters, but all the organsare already in development. Even the eyes are already to start to be formed.

Its not wonderful? How can a human being that measures only two millimeters to make me feel like that? Doc explained me that the nausea is becouse the raised level of estrogénio and also to the fast expansion of the womb. -

" I go to be thus nauseated for next nine months?
" - Calm, many of the symptoms are going to disappear in second trimester. Now we go to book the ultrasound and goes to be in house of ABSOLUTE rest!

Only leaves the bed to go the bath,ok ......? -
Yes, doc, all the sacrifices are valid to have my son with me! Moreover my husband and my mother go themselves personally to put in charge to guarantee this!

I have as much fear to be to dream and to wake up suddenly ..........

It was how I felt last week (and I still feel)!

"Your period has just started and you may be thinking about conception. For women with a 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs around 14 days after the start of your menstrual cycle. Now is a good time to begin healthy habits (if you haven't yet!). Start your pregnancy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; exercise; start taking additional folic acid if you haven't already; and stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and using over-the-counter medications. Stay away from toxic materials and rest well. Start "thinking pregnant" before you conceive so you can give your baby the best start possible. "

As I don't smoke nor I don't drink alcohol, only in very special occasions, it doesn't have problems ..... I only drunk a glass of champaigne goblet in end of the year… I hope there's no problems!

I didn't have nor I have morning symptoms, but throughout the day I go being nauseated and sic! My blood pressure decreased so much! I exactly arrived to faint one day in the bath! It had to make Beta HCG….

But I've too much fear! Yesterday, I looked at for the solicitation and I thought " I'm going tomorrow".

Today, as I couldn't keep on in this away, I awake myself early, I went to the laboratory, to made the blood test and ask they to inform as soon as they know the result!

However I went to work… is my first day on this year! And the nausea appeared on half a day ..... I thought that these symptoms would be only a suggestion or a triky of my mind!

Until becouse I've had already passed for this before and it was not nothing ...... Until the mobille ring ....... 

sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2006

Santa Claus, for Christmas I want a baby....

I' m not sure, but i' m feeling a bit different than other months!

Am I pregnant? Since yesterday that I am weard ..... I have much cold and heat sweats, today I fainted on the bath because of the hot water…. my blood pressure dops drastically!

I was lucky becouse my husbund is on vacation too… otherwise I do not know ....... It doesn't happen to me!

 As the delay is not significant yet, we're going to wait for the next week .....

A thing is thuth: the ovulation test gave positive and work hardly on these days ....... It was so good starting 2007 with a good notice!

quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2006

The Christmas's gone.....

Therefore that's it friends, as I more or less forecast, the good one of my husband talking to my mother, offered ours home for all family to dinner!

My mother made almost everything (I made the codfish baked with baked potatoes, made a eggs's pudding and 2 cakes). There I had all the family in home ..... here finally reached to join all the brothers, brothers-in-law and nephews, exactly the ones that live in Amarante, Braga, England or Holland, this becouse in the previous years always missing somebody .....

To finished for being pleasant, my daddy made 70 years old ..... was emotioned with the speech of my yuong brother, but he was funny! Now, worse it was for me…. yesterday, all the day,  I dragged me of the room for sofa for the computer, but I did not make nothing!!

Only did the dishwashing on machine!!!

 Today, I had to clean all the house and I'm exahaust!

But now it is time to think about the end of the year, therefore they come our friends here to pass the year with us becouse from my room we can see the fire of all that zone  including the Nations Park!

Mr Red din't came yet…. I wait that it doesn't appear in the end of the year's night!


domingo, 24 de dezembro de 2006


As I'll haven't time to affix on one of yours blogs, I use to advantage to wish to all () a HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you, full of good things!

God bless you all!!!

quarta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2006


Since monday  I am on vacations ..... Until day the January 3rd, 2007, nothing to think about work! I was need so much…. already slepped a bit, now I have to do tings (it is always the same thing, the first days of vacation are always for cleannesses and so ane) but I am already I here to finish! Tomorrow I'm going to shopping, that's it!

I have here Diogo and Ticha, my nephews, 12 and 8 years old respectively, that they always want loveof the aunt and are here until day 25th.

After all always I go to make the tree, therefore already I have children here "borow me" to help me to decorate it and to cheer my house!

quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2006

Christmas day!

The sadness won me .....

Suddenly an incredible sadness won me ..... everything lost the direction! To decorate the christmas tree for who? I do not have the children that I wanted to have in return of it! .....

It only gave work…. No…. already decided…. I do not go to lose time with this…

I'm on vacation since monday…. I have to make a big cleanning here at home here, therefore in day-by-day only I have time for the indispensable.

As last I have worked all the weekends, the house is to start to be an chaos…. the clothes to iron are in a big mount!

Decidedly from January, I have to provide a cleaning-woman for helping me .....

I dont' want to comemorate nothing…. but I have reasons for this, therefore, it goes to be  one more Christmas …. For next year it has more .....

sábado, 9 de dezembro de 2006

Today it's our wedding anniversary!!!!

18 years ago on the same hour, we were on the church to join our lives for the love that we feel one for the other. It seems that it was yesterday .....

was one of the happyest days of my life, therefore I materialize a dream: I married with" C" , the love of my life, that I had known 4 years before.

Therefore he had already " booked me" so much time ago! He was here in the army in Alverca and I studied in the secondary school.

As I had to wait much time for the train to go for home, me and a friend were in the train line to make the bolt and to see who walked more time in the crosspieces wooden, with the hands, that is, upside-down!


It, put itself with me but I nor bound the minim! We accidentally met in a train trip and there yes, I repaired in that one cute armied boy (a Greek God) that did not take off the eyes of me ..... starting talking with me, becouse till my name he known!

From there until we dating such was one week .....! We are happy ..... Now it lacks to materialize our dream, love: our son!

sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2006


I just feel lik that!!!

I have a lot of things to do and  .....  I just want to come back home and to return to bad with my Hubby. But…. other values  raises ......

Today I awoke at 05:30 to come to work more early, becouse I have a very important meeting with my friends from the APF forum!

Still I am here to lazing myself and wondering: How do I awake so early? My C. husband says that I only arise myself so early to go the beach…. yes, becouse I like to go to the beach at seven o'cloock on the morning and to come back to the half day toward house! Already I am here since the 06:00 to look at for the computer and it to look at for me…. we go to see who takes the best..... lolololol

quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2006

Aniversário de casamento!

It is almost to arrive the day…. do you remembered honey?
December 9th, 1988! 18 years of married, babe ......... the time flies ...... and our stork, nothing!

18 years of you, love, more 4 for dating!  ..... It's a life!!!!!
 ..... lolololol

You are good for I for changing you for 2 boys of 22 years old ...... lololololol

CONGRATULATIONS for us and many HAPPINESSES ....... that others live as much.

How God blesses our love with so desired baby!

terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2006

love weekend

I hear to say that this is the weekend of the love ..... Care, my darlings, so that the neighbors do not call the firemen!